Areas of Law

GHK Greiner Herrmann | Notary · Lawyers and Certified Specialists in Law

Tenancy and Residential Property Law

Tenancy law and residential property law problems contain various pitfalls in detail. Residential tenancy law in particular is characterized by an enormous wealth of statutory provisions and case law in the sense of social tenancy law for the protection of tenants. For landlords, this often results in drastic restrictions, not only with regard to the free availability of the property. We will be happy to advise you in detail and, of course, support you in court and out-of-court disputes with your tenants.

Contact person:   ➞ Specialized lawyer Achim W. Greiner

Marriage and Family

"Your marriage is on the verge of breaking up? Can I afford a divorce? My child is still demanding child support from me at age 29? You are divorced and see your children only irregularly?"

This is just a sampling of the possible questions you may face. Regardless of economic difficulties, emotions run high. This is the area where we want to help you. In doing so, we first try to reach a comprehensive out-of-court settlement. Only if this fails, legal steps are to be initiated. We will inform you about the respective risks and costs in due time.

Contact person: ➞  Specialized lawyer Hans-Joachim Herrmann

Other Areas of Activity

Taxes and Duties

"The state urgently needs money", "More and more tax regulations prevent tax justice"
In almost every contractual arrangement and legal question, the tax aspect must be examined. In doing so, we want to work out the most favorable legal solution for you in cooperation with your tax advisor. This applies to both legal and notarial work.

Inheritance / Bequest

"Society is getting older and older", "The cost of care is exceeding retirement provisions", "The state is thinking about amending tax law". Such headlines are reason enough to plan a will or a transfer of assets during your lifetime. Together with you, we discuss your family situation and advise you on which arrangements make legal and economic sense. Tax issues are always a topic of discussion.

Building and Craft

"Who builds once...", "Client does not pay, although my work was properly done."
A wide range of problems arise in the field of construction, for which we work with you to find appropriate and economical solutions.

Focus Skandinavia

Hans Joachim Herrmann also represents and advises Scandinavian clients from Sweden, Norway and Denmark in cooperation with fellow lawyers from these countries.


The costs for legal advice are generally based on the German Lawyers' Fees Act (RVG). Due to the individual needs of our clients, it is not possible to make general price statements. One thing is certain: Expoert advice costs monay. Later disputes are often much more expensive. Here you will find a good overview of the respective fees:

Expertise: Notary, Lawyers, Specialist in Tenancy and Residential Property Law, Certified Specialist in Family Law

GHK | Law Firm Greiner & Herrmann
Hamburger Straße 5
23843 Bad Oldesloe
Branch: Rondeel 9, 22926 Ahrensburg

   +49 (0)4531 7088
   +49 (0)4531 7215

© 2025 | Law Firm GHK Greiner & Herrmann
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